Intel® Xeon® Gold 6443N Processor

  • Intel® Xeon® Gold 6443N Processor
  • Intel® Xeon® Gold 6443N Processor
برند: Intel
پارت نامبر: 6443N کد کالا: 236593
ProductGroup 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
MarketSegment Server
ProcessorNumber 6443N
Lithography Intel 7
CPU Specifications
CoreCount 32
ThreadCount 64
ClockSpeedMax 3.60 GHz
ClockSpeed 2.00 GHz
Cache 60 MB
MaxTDP 195 W
DeepLearningBoostVersion Yes
Supplemental Information
StatusCodeText Launched
BornOnDate Q3'23
ServicingStatus Baseline Servicing
Embedded Yes
Memory Specifications
MaxMem 4 TB
MemoryTypes DDR5-4400
NumMemoryChannels 8
ECCMemory Yes
MemoryMaxSpeedMhz 4400 MHz
OptaneDCPersistentMemoryVersion No
Expansion Options
ScalableSockets 1S Only
PCIExpressRevision 4
NumPCIExpressPorts 64
Package Specifications
SocketsSupported FCLGA4677
TCase 81
PackageSize 77.5mm x 56.5mm
PackageCarrier E1B
DigitalThermalSensorTemperatureMax 91 °C
Advanced Technologies
TBTVersion 2.0
HyperThreading Yes
TransactionalSynchronizationExtensionVersion Yes
EM64 Yes
InstructionSetExtensions Intel® SSE4.2, Intel® AVX, Intel® AVX2, Intel® AVX-512
DeepLearningBoostVersion Yes
SstPerformanceProfileVersion Yes
SstBaseFrequencyOptionVersion No
ResourceDirectorTechVersion Yes
SpeedShiftTechVersion Yes
AVX512FusedMultiplyAddUnits 2
SpeedSelectCorePowerInd Yes
SpeedSelectTurboFreqInd Yes
OnDemandFeatureActivation Yes
DataStreamAccelerator 1 default devices
AdvancedMatricExtensions No
QuickAssistTechCPU 0 default devices
DynamicLoadBalancer 0 default devices
InMemoryAnayticsAccelerator 0 default devices
VranBoostTechVer Yes
Security & Reliability
AESTech Yes
OSGuardTechVersion Yes
ExecuteDisable Yes
ExtendedPageTables Yes
RunSureTechnologyVersion Yes
ModeBasedExecutionControlVersion Yes
IntelQAssistSWAccel Yes
IntelCryptoAcceleration Yes
IntelPlatformFWResSupport Yes
IntelTotalMemoryEncryption Yes
SoftwareGuardExtensions Yes with Intel® SPS
MaxEncSizeSupportIntelSGX 128 GB
IntelControlFlowEnforcementTechnology Yes
DeviceProtectionTechBootGuardVersion Yes
Intel® On Demand Available Upgrades
OnDemandAvailableUpgrade See the specifications